Painting And Wallpapering: Tips And Techniques

Beyond Painter's Tape: Essential Products You Need For A Professional-Looking Paint Job

When doing trim work, most people use painter's tape to separate the areas to be painted from the areas that don't need to be painted. However, for a perfectly professional looking job, you may want to grab a few additional supplies. Here are the items you should consider integrating into your painting project:

1. Putty knife

You can use a putty knife to smooth your painter's tape down. The closer you get your tape to the wall, the less likely paint is to drip behind it and get into unwanted areas.

However, your putty knife can be even more useful once you have completed the painting. When it comes time to remove your painter's tape, keep in mind that bits of the paint stuck to the top of the tape may also be stuck to paint on the wall.

As a result, when you pull off your tape, you may accidentally pull of patches of paint from the wall. Use a putty knife to score the paint between the tape and the wall. That will allow you to remove your tape cleanly and easily.

2. Caulk

If you really want to prevent paint from getting under your tape, reach for the caulk. After applying your tape, spread a thin layer of caulk along the tape. Remove the tape, let the caulk dry and use the caulk as your guiding line.

The precision created by caulk is great for along baseboards and ceilings, but it can also help you create perfect stripes for patterned walls. When you are done painting, just remove the dried caulk.

3. Lint remover

If you have a lint or pet hair remover, use it on your roller brush. Unfortunately, roller brushes tend to attract dust, lint and fluff, and those elements can get onto your wall and make weird bumps under your paint.

If you simply run a sticky lint remover over your roller brush before you begin painting, you will prevent fluff from getting on the wall.

4. Strainer

A simple metal gravy strainer or sieve is ideal for getting your paint ready for the day. You can skip this step if you are using a brand new bucket of paint, but if your paint has been opened for previous work, use the sieve to remove any coagulated bits of paint. Taking this extra step before you start painting every day helps your paint to stay smooth and look tidy.

For more information, contact a professional like Glendening Painting Services.
